
Traveler, musician, food enthusiast and book worm. Always on the hunt for interesting facts and news.

Articles by Clara Rodríguez Fernández

And the highest funding in Europe this year goes to… Antibody-Drug Conjugates!

This New Biotech wants to Regrow Neurons to cure Parkinson’s

€4M Grant for a Cancer Vaccine that could Bench its Competitors

How can Cultured Meat solve World Hunger and Global Warming?

Meet the First Biotech to Jump on Autophagy After This Years’ Nobel Prize

This Start-up sells Cheap 3D-printed Microscopes for Bacterial testing


Transgene teams up with big Players against HPV Head and Neck Cancer

Will Aprea live up to the Hype of its €46M fundraising?

World Mental Health Day: How is Biotech Helping the Cause?

Microbial Donuts at the Vienna Design Week, fancy a bite? Here’s the Recipe!

Will SynBio replace the French Wine Industry?

New UK Hero Will Fight Against Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer