
Founder & Managing Director at Labiotech.eu. While I was studying biotechnology in Paris, I got frustrated by the lack of digital media available for the industry and decided to fix it! I launched Labiotech.eu in 2014 and grew it to the largest community for biotech professionals in Europe! Other than biotech news, I’m also a heavy reader of Sci-Fi and Fantasy.

Articles by Joachim Eeckhout

The Toilet has been Reinvented: Now it is Waterless!

This European Biotech Initiative wants to remediate Contaminated Land

Antibodyomes for faster Discovery of Biologicals, with Memo Therapeutics

Dutch FF Pharma has a Promising Immunotherapy to fight Crohn’s Disease

7 Books to turn you into a Biotech Genius over the Summer


Philogen targets Angiogenesis for cancer and Autoimmune Therapies

Merck and Sigma-Aldrich: Together to solve the toughest problems in life science

Oryzon develops Epigenetic Therapies against Cancer and Alzheimer’s

How did we increase the online traffic of this Biotech by 289%?

Compugen is Hunting down ‘Hot’ zone Targets for Immuno-Oncology

Bio-printing Clothes and Darwin’s book ‘On the Origin of Species’ with Bacteria