What’s New for Labiotech.eu’s 6th Birthday?

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It’s Labiotech’s 6th anniversary! We’re super proud of what we accomplished over the past 6 years and we’d like to thank everyone who contributed to this adventure since our humble beginnings in 2015.

Thank you to our team members, freelancers, contributors, and partners—we couldn’t have made it this far without your commitment and support! We’re also super proud of our readers and their dedication; it’s truly rewarding to see our articles being read by so many people every day.

We thought we’d use this occasion to tell you more about our plans for the rest of 2021 and ask your opinion about new features in development. First, let’s take a look at what our team has been developing since the beginning of this year.

An upgraded membership

We’ve been busy improving our membership experience for our growing community since 2021. As promised last year, we’ve started publishing more industry reports for our members. You can now download more than 10 exclusive reports from our library to gain insights on important topics, such as gene editing or immuno-oncology. More reports are already in creation and will join the collection soon.

We also developed a new article format called “Expert Advice,” giving you insights from real experts on useful topics such as investment strategies, collaboration, and entrepreneurship. 

If you haven’t yet, we invite you to give our membership (and its many features) a try.

Shifting the job board experience

We originally launched our job board to help our community get access to specialized opportunities within the life science industry. Many of you have been using it and, from what we heard, are finding great job opportunities! 

However, growing a job board is a very different activity than producing content. For this reason, we’ve decided to discontinue the job board in its current form and redesign the job recommendations we provide to our readers. 

Our company members will now be able to include their open positions in our weekly newsletter at no additional cost. We want to bring our members closer together, and we think that sharing job opportunities within our community will be a great way to do it. 

The job offers will be available to our newsletter subscribers and will join the exclusive features of the weekly newsletter, such as our news curation. 

If your company is a member or plans to be one, feel free to reach out to us to include your open jobs in our newsletter. 

Refreshing the Biotech Map

Many of you contacted us to ask what happened to the Biotech Map. Well, good news—we’re working on a new version right now!

The format may change, but the core feature will remain the same: providing an easy-to-use database of biotech companies in Europe. 

We’re still working on the foundations of this tool, and your help is more than welcome! 

So if you miss the Biotech Map and want to help us bring it back, take a few minutes to fill in our survey.

We’re very excited to launch our new features and hope you will like them.

As usual, feel free to reach out to share your thoughts with us.

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