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Fresh money for Kuros to Speed up Bone repair

Pfizer uses HiFiBiO’s brand-new technology to discover unique antibodies

Genmab’s Bispecific Antibodies Catch Another Big Fish

What if the Best Coffee could be obtained thanks to Biotechnologies?

What happened this week? Woodford spent €800m, CRISPR discoverer moves to Berlin, the first Bacteria-made ink…

The Sky is the Limit: Novo Nordisk continues to rise


Milestone in Stem Cell Research: European Researchers grow Millimeter-Long Muscle Fibers!

Roche’s €382M Acquisition to Expand its Fight against Drug-Resistant Bacteria

It’s raining cash, Woodford invested more than 75% of its mega €1.1Bn Biotech fund

Roche abandons Wilex to Make Way for Immuno-Oncology

Emmanuelle Charpentier, co-discoverer of CRISPR-Cas9 Technology, comes to Berlin!

A Tale of Love for UniQure and Bristol-Myers Squibb