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Boehringer Ingelheim Gets €540M upfront for the next Potential Antibody Blockbuster

The Best Selling Biologic of All Time now chased by New Phase III Biosimilar

Why is J&J getting rid of Galapagos’ shares, when Everyone else is Buying?

After a Deal with Gilead, Galapagos is Still Doing Phase II Trials with AbbVie

UK Biotech starts 2016 by signing a (Massive?) Immuno-Oncology Deal with AbbVie

Dutch Organ-on-Chip Biotech Hauls in €1.5M Funding from Pharma Syndicate in Project Against Animal Testing


Finally! Galapagos New Mystery Partner to Replace AbbVie Revealed in €2Bn Deal

Last exclusive interview from #BIO-Europe 2015: Andre Hoekema, SVP Corporate Development of Galapagos

Ablynx richly rewarded for MSD’s Nanobody Proof in Immuno-Oncology

Roche dishes out €509M for a Humanized antibody against Rheumatoid Arthritis

Fixing the ‘Galapagos-AbbVie Disaster’ through a Cystic Fibrosis Therapy

What Happened this Week? Abbvie abandons Galapagos, CRISPR Patent war to end and AI to exploit UK’s 100k genomes