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In Depth 19 Jul 2023

Genetic engineering giants: is China poised to lead the way?

New platform cuts time engineering and selecting genome editors

SNIPR Biome sees positive results for first-in-human CRISPR microbial gene therapy

HuidaGene Therapeutics creates world’s first ‘G to Y’ DNA base-editor

Scribe and Prevail to accelerate CRISPR-based genetic medicines for neurological and neuromuscular diseases

Scientists create first CRISPR-based drug candidate targeting the microbiome


New discovery “an area of cancer research with tremendous promise for breakthroughs”

New technique developed for safer gene editing  

In Depth 10 Mar 2023

Can CRISPR bring back extinct animals?

Sherlock obtains Cas12 CRISPR patent

Can CRISPR correct type 2 diabetes gene?

Expert Advice 16 Feb 2023

Five things you need to know about using CRISPR/Cas9 commercially