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Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes will arrive in India to fight Dengue

Oxitec scales up Mosquito production with a new Factory in Brazil

Vienna-based Themis Bioscience frontlines vaccine development against emerging diseases

This new vaccine could tackle both Zika and Dengue at once

The Cayman Islands will now also release GM Mosquitoes against Zika Virus

This Malaria drug is being re-purposed for Cancer Radiotherapy


GMO Tobacco could Produce cheaper Medicine for Malaria

A New Cellular ‘Back Door’ has been found to fight Malaria

Florida to release Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes to stop Zika Virus

Medicine Nobel Prize for Parasite Drug Discoveries which saved Billions

Oxitec’s revolutionary Genetically Modified Insects acquired by Intrexon for €146M

Sanofi’s CEO, Olivier Brandicourt takes stock of its Biotech pipeline