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Meet the CEO of Europe’s Leading Microbiome Biotech

Microbiome Myth Debunked: Counting Bacteria in Our Gut = A New Ratio

Microbiomics and Nestlé: €1.7Bn for New TransAtlantic Drug Development Program

Collaboration is Key to Microbiomics: New Deal with The Janssen Human Microbiome Institute

World’s First Microbiome Fund Swells to €160M With Major Pharma Also Chipping In

What will Happen now the Microbiome Hype has Broken into the Immuno-Oncology Field?


A Sweet idea from Napoli; An Italian start-up will renovate the Artificial Sweetener market

Biotech of the week: Enterome, the Leading French Microbiome Start-up

Breast-milk therapy for Microbiome disease makes BioGaia smile

Gut bacteria growth time can cause disease?

The 5 things outside Europe you need to know this week (Samsung $1Bn Biotech IPO, Microbiome blindness, Google Biotech)

Meet Eligo, the Startup which Raised €2M to Redefine Antibiotics using CRISPR