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In Depth 11 Dec 2023

European patents in biotech: how to prevent invalid patents?

Sherlock obtains Cas12 CRISPR patent

Expert Advice 16 Feb 2023

Five things you need to know about using CRISPR/Cas9 commercially

Cartherics granted first patent in China

Watch: Addressing IP with Starting Bloch


Achilles Therapeutics receives US patent for immunotherapies

Patents granted for Poolbeg Pharma influenza and respiratory virus infections treatments

Regen BioPharma files patent on new RNA/DNA-based approach to cancer immunotherapy

Salipro Biotech obtains patents for direct extraction of membrane proteins and library generation

PharmAla Biotech files patent applications for MDMA analogs

Moderna to sue Pfizer and German partner, BioNTech, for allegedly “copying technology”