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Researchers identify gene alterations that may affect response to brain cancer treatment

More News! 26 Oct 2022

Study shows ability to develop and apply targeted treatment in head and neck cancers

New method of observing cell transport could inspire drug development

Way to transform Cas-9 protein into spherical nuclear acid developed

New approaches beckon for small cell lung cancer treatment

FDA gives $1.3M grant to Biologics & Biosimilars Collective Intelligence Consortium


Discovery of how metastatic cancer cells infiltrate the liver may lead to new drugs

Redx presents data confirming anti-fibrotic effects of lung disease drug

More News! 29 Sep 2022

Removing binding sites for an oncogene can slow cancer cell growth, researchers say

Grant awarded to help bring to market an innovative treatment for bone cancer

Novo Nordisk Foundation investing $200M for first quantum computer for life sciences research

New company formed to boost life sciences in Singapore