Apply to OneStart to win €125k for your life sciences/health care business idea

Onestart Winner Eva Diagnostics

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OneStart, organized by Oxbridge Biotech Roundtable and SR One, GSK’s corporate venture capital arm, is today the world’s largest life science/healthcare startup accelerator. Apply by December 1st, 2014 for the chance to win £100k (€125k) as well as free lab space. Do you have an idea, an entrepreneurial opportunity or have you already started? Discover why you should participate.

OneStart, World largest Biotech Accelerator

Their homepage alone ( should be enough to convince you. Money and first-class partners, it is already an important opportunity. The success of previous semi-finalist and finalist teams adds even more credibility to the initiative. 12 teams from the 2014 competition have already raised follow-on funding. This 2015 edition is now the third one, the most solid and ambitious one ever organized.

The accelerator is split into two streams that run in parallel, one for the Americas and one for Europe and the rest of the World, awarding €125k to the respective top team. It is free to apply and prizes are non-dilutive.


Ideas and businesses at all stages of development are accepted but team members have to younger than 36 as of December 31, 2014. 70 teams, 35 from each OneStart stream, will be selected for a two-day Bootcamp of intensive masterclasses and pitching opportunities with top industry mentors. A jury will then decide which team will receive the prize on May 14th in London for OneStart Europe and on May 21st in San Francisco for OneStart Americas.

The OneStart accelerator is really amazing because of OBR’s dynamism (from my experience when they organized LaBiotech Tour France‘s screening in London), from the quality of their partners and most of all, because of the relevance of their positioning and mission to spur bio-entrepreneurship in the younger generations. I believe Europe could benefit a lot from this accelerator and I would highly recommend all young entrepreneurs to catch this opportunity. Will you?

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