Beyond Biotech podcast 22: PacBio, Sierra Space

Beyond Biotech podcast 22

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This week, we have two longer interviews. We have conversations with Neil Ward, VP of PacBio EMEA, and Marc Giulianotti, senior manager in space biomanufacturing at Sierra Space.

We also have our weekly contribution from global commercial real estate services company JLL, with Travis McCready. 

Sierra Space and UC San Diego to develop first stem cell research institute in space

Sierra Space and University of California San Diego, one of the world’s top 15 research universities and a leader in microgravity research, have formed a new agreement with the goal of defining the future of human health care research in space.

In a new memorandum of understanding between the two organizations, Sierra Space and UC San Diego will collaborate on Orbital Reef, the first commercial space station in low Earth orbit (LEO), to expand the university’s Integrated Space Stem Cell Orbital Research (ISSCOR) program, which is currently operational on the International Space Station (ISS). Together they will help define and shape the future of biotech and biopharma research and development in microgravity.

PacBio launches Onso and Revio sequencing systems

PacBio recently announced beta testing of its Onso Sequencing System. The benchtop short-read DNA sequencing platform is expected to provide a new level of accuracy by utilizing PacBio’s sequencing by binding (SBB) technology.

The Onso Sequencing System has been designed for compatibility with the rich ecosystem of products currently available for short-read sequencers and supports a diverse set of library preparation types, single cell analysis solutions, whole-genome sequencing and other targeted methods, such as amplicon and hybridization capture panels. It is anticipated to deliver 500 million reads per run and offer 200 and 300 cycle kits enabling paired and single end reads, at a list price of US $259,000 per system.

The Revio long-read sequencing system will enable customers to scale their use of PacBio’s HiFi sequencing technology. Revio is designed to provide customers with the ability to sequence up to 1,300 human whole genomes per year at 30-fold coverage for less than $1,000 per genome. PacBio believes Revio will enable the use of HiFi sequencing for large studies in human genetics, cancer research, agricultural genomics, and more.

Scientists have achieved many ‘firsts’ with HiFi sequencing on PacBio’s Sequel IIe sequencing system – the first complete telomere-to-telomere assembly of a human genome (Nurk 2022), the first haplotype-resolved methylomes in a rare disease cohort (Cheung 2022), the first population surveys of structural variation with long reads (All of Us Research Program), the first single-cell full isoform catalogs (Al’Khafaji 2021), and the first complete assembly of the highly complex oat genome (European Seed 2020). 

Revio uses the same HiFi chemistry – producing accurate native long reads with uniform coverage, extraordinary application performance for variant calling and assembly, and accurate DNA methylation detection – but at a much larger scale.

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