Biotech of the Week: Activartis Immuno-Oncology in Vienna

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This week, we leave Milan and head once again towards the East. Vienna: Austria’s palatial and stunning capital city is our destination, and is also where our Biotech of the week, Activartis, is located.


City: Vienna (Austria)

Founded: 2003

Employees: 11 – 50 (as of 12/2015)

Financial Data: N/A

CEO: Thomas Felzmann


Mission: Currently in phase II clinical trials, Activartis is trying to develop a new cancer immunotherapy based on dendritic cells. Their main goal is to treat an aggressive form of brain tumor, but also being able to use this treatment on several other types of cancer.

The company’s therapeutic platform gathers an innovative proprietary approach via a bacterial danger signal combined with tumor antigens. By applying this concept, the use of dendritic cells to mobilise the patient’s immune system to treat cancer was proven successful.

Comment: Activartis is already well advanced in its clinical development, now in phase II. Using dendritic cells is original compared to most immuno-oncology programs using T-Lymphocytes.

This could give better results and offer an alternative to the many CAR-T therapies out there. Definitely an interesting Biotech worth meeting (and also gives you a good excuse to visit Vienna).

Explore other topics: AustriaCell therapyImmunotherapy

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