CRISPR Thx’ Founder: “We have over $250M in the bank”

crispr therapeutics gene editing labiotech refresh philip hemme biotech roger novak

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So begins our series of videos documenting our biotech conference premier – Labiotech Refresh. Here Philip spoke with Rodger Novak, the CEO and founder of CRISPR Therapeutics, which is leading the biotech front on Gene Editing in Europe.

Having the CEO of CRISPR Therapeutics come and speak at our first event was really exciting for us, especially given how CRISPR is such a hot area at the moment.

CRISPR is a real revolution in Biotech and gene editing. It’s even considered by many as the discovery of the century and should soon get the Nobel prize. This extremely powerful technology is also moving toward translation into therapeutics.

Therefore, getting to chat with Rodger meant we had a chance to ask these well needed questions, which many are wanting the answers to. For example, what is his stance on germline editing (a contentious area for the field)? And how many others are expected to move into the CRISPR space?

I do think it’s a very very special situation, and not comparable to other companies out there. “

Some of Rodger’s answers were really surprising (to me, anyway) and certainly food for thought. We will be uploading more of our footage of interviews, questions and panellists from the day over the next few weeks – along with commentary. So watch this space…

Some of Rodger’s answers were also pretty frank – regarding the space for other CRISPR startups and availability of investment for the field (CC 3.0 – Claire Braun at

Feature Image Credit: Philip Hemme and Rodger Novak at Labiotech Refresh Berlin, May 24th, 2016 (CC 3.0 – Claire Braun at

More images of Rodger and the conference speakers are available on our Flickr account under a Creative Commons 3.0 License. Feel free to share!