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InfraLife (Infra Access for Life Science Sweden) is a Swedish initiative to maximize the benefits of Sweden’s large scale research infrastructures SciLifeLab, MAX IV and ESS.
Funded by Swedish Research Council, InfraLife also partners with industrial organizations SwedenBIO & LIF and collaborates with SWElife, MedTech4Health and Swedish MedTech.
The intent of the project is to highlight Sweden as a leading nation in the life sciences sector, and support its businesses.
The initiative’s mission is to improve knowledge and availability of research infrastructure, making it accessible to life science researchers in academia, industry and healthcare.
Sweden has highlighted research and infrastructure as priority areas in the country’s life science strategy. With InfraLife, the aim is to increase the use of Swedish research infrastructures, broaden the user base to represent a range of stakeholders and stimulate cross-sectoral collaboration, and in so doing, to address some of today’s greatest challenges.
These challenges require a collaborative and cross-disciplinary approach, and InfraLife aims to serve as a hub to connect stakeholders and make tools accessible to be utilized by researchers.
To tell us more about InfraLife, at NLS Days in Malmö, Sweden, we spoke with Elin Jonsson, InfraLife’s project coordinator and Industrial relations officer at MAX IV.