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Asceneuron’s latest stab at the Alzheimer’s challenge with Sofinnova

New Smart Collaboration of Nestlé and AC Immune Against Alzheimer’s disease

UniQure’s cure for rare Lysosomal disease ready for phase III trial

AC Immune receives Milestone Payment for Alzheimer Antibody

After being rejected twice, Horizon pushes Depomed to accept its €2.7Bn offer

First-in-human successful Phase I for an Alzheimer’s vaccine


Roche and Evotec knocked down by their Alzheimer candidate

Alkermes presents its new treatment of Alzheimer’s agitation

#BioFigures: 3,000 whole genomes sequenced to fight Parkinson!

AB Science: One step further towards a cure to Alzheimer’s disease

Stemedica International succeed in a pre-clinical trial to treat Alzheimer’s disease with stem cells