The European Biotech Week was celebrated for the second time at the beggining of October. It was an important event to discuss and develop biotechnology in Europe.
The European Biotech Week was organized by EuropaBio, european organization for Biotech companies. It was also an opportunity to bring together biotech associations because they are key in helping to maximize the potential of biotechnology. In Europe, the National Associations Council, hosted by EuropaBio, represents 19 national biotech associations that together represent over 1,800 small- and medium-sized biotech companies and organisations.
” Im delighted and honoured to be here. It seems to be a new day for Biotech industries on European market.” Said Nathalie Molle Secretary General in EuropaBio.
There were lots of events organized like : science cafes, seminars, workshops, company site visits, artistic performances, conferences, live demonstrations.
” We are very happy to organize this event for the benefit of European Biotech and Medtech.” Said Karine Baudin, VPTechnology Transfer InsermTransfert, ENTENTE Project.Ruxandra Draghia-Akli, DG in Research and Innovation at the European Commission said : ” More than 10 billion euros will be invested in high tech in the European Union through Horizon 2020 program”.
You can see the video of the ceremony in Brussels :