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Startup Scout 8 Jun 2018

This Israeli Biotech Engineers Tobacco Plants to Make Collagen

This Oxford Spin-out Could be Printing New Body Parts

Spanish Researchers Create a Human Skin 3D Printer

This Start-up sells Cheap 3D-printed Microscopes for Bacterial testing

Bio-printing Clothes and Darwin’s book ‘On the Origin of Species’ with Bacteria

Finland, France and Harvard Bioprint Brains to Understand the 3D Structure


From Belgium: 3D-Bioprinted ‘Waffle’ to Fix Broken Bones

Becoming Cyborg: 10 Amazing MedTech Inventions in the Biotech Industry

What happened this week? Woodford spent €800m, CRISPR discoverer moves to Berlin, the first Bacteria-made ink…

L’Oreal is Bioprinting Human Skin to Stop Animal Testing