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Jonhson&Jonhson hurries up Genmab’s myeloma treatment

Polaris, a new Nordic leader in Immuno-Oncology

French collaboration to develop Oncology-targeted Therapy

NuCana’s potent anti-cancer completed Phase I/II

MorphoSys is safe and sound after the promising results of Celgene’s dumped project

[Update] AstraZeneca to buy a CAR-T expert?


Erytech successfully completed its Phase III to ‘starve’ cancer cells to death

Genticel aims to prevent Cancer caused by the Human Papillomavirus

Immuno-oncology race gets bloodier: BMS is suing its former executive now working for AstraZeneca

DNA Therapeutics presents positive results for its breakthrough Advanced Cancer Therapy

Eisai receives Europe’s OK for its Thyroid Cancer treatment

AstraZeneca and Eli Lilly Combine their Innovative Drugs for Cancer Treatment