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Try as we might, we can’t cover all the biotech news out there. During the week, we only pick the top stories to keep you informed but not waste your time. Here’s a roundup of news that didn’t make the cut this week.
- Amryt has taken out a loan from the European Investment Bank to fund its Phase III trials for a rare disease therapy.
- Pfizer was fined by a UK watchdog a record £85M for an overnight 2600% price hike.
- After BI started to move away from small molecules, Novartis announced it’s looking to get rid of its CNS portfolio, which is also based on small molecules.
- TxCell has made a deal with Inserm Transfert for its CD8+ Tregs.
- Basilea announced its intentions to test its candidate BAL101553 as a glioblastoma therapy.
- Poxel, which was just featured in our Top Lyon Biotechs, has reported preclinical results suggesting that preserving beta cell mass can slow the progression of Type 2 diabetes.
- AstraZeneca’s Tagrisso has given a stellar performance in Phase III as a lung cancer therapy. This comes as the pharma is consolidating its finance jobs to cut €1Bn.
- Neovacs has received Fast-Track designation from the FDA for its IFNα Kinoid in Lupus (SLE).
- The European Commission has granted conditional market approval for Venclyxto (venetoclax) from AbbVie for difficult-to-treat chronic lymphocytic leukaemia.
- Intellia is lining up its ducks to be the first Western biotech to test CRISPR in humans as it scales up its operations.
- Following Brent Saunders’ lead with Allergan a few months ago, Jacob Riis, President of Novo Nordisk’s American arm, has made it the latest pharma to take a price-increase pledge, vowing to keep list-price hikes under 10% annually.
That’s All, Folks!
Labradoodle or Fried Chicken?
Image Credits: Marco Diaz Segura, John Stager, Cloudsrest Imagine, Ivan Kuzmin /