Interviewing the Biotech which raised the Biggest European Round in 2016 so far

mission therapeutics sachs interview zurich labiotech biotech

Yesterday I flew to Switzerland for the day, to gage what was going on at the 9th Annual Sachs conference for European Biotech CEOs. Here I had the chance to Interview Cambridge UK’s Mission Therapeutics on investment and technology..

mission_therapeutics_biotech_cancer_neil_woodford_dubsPanel discussions covered Partnering and Investment for various therapeutic platforms – in MedTech, Diagnostics and generally ‘Israel’ (and I assume the growing Biotech scene there).

I had the opportunity to meet Anker Lundemose, the CEO of Mission Therapeutics, from just outside of Cambridge (UK). Founded in 2011, Mission Therapeutics, a private drug discovery company which aims to commercialize highly expert research towards the treatment of cancer and other diseases via the ubiquitin cell signalling pathway.

The most impressive fact about the company was probably its last series C round of £60M (€75M) raised just last month. It was led by Imperial Innovations and the most successful UK VC, Neil Woodford.

A nice chat to get his comment on this round as well as his plan for the future of the development of the platform.

Here’s our Chat…

Feature Image Credit: Philip Hemme Interviewing Anker Lundemose in Zurich Today

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