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New Biochips Quickly Identify the Best Antibiotic for each Bacterial Infection

Teaching Bacteria to make Living, Evolving Typography

Israeli Biopharma joins NIH to develop Ebola Treatment

Compugen is Hunting down ‘Hot’ zone Targets for Immuno-Oncology

BioArt : Nurit Bar-Shai’s ‘Chemical Tweets’ and the Social Life of Bacteria

This Israel-based Biotech startup is currently raising €17M to enable Precision Medicine


Israeli Cancer Startup catches Investment from 3 major Big Pharma

Israeli Pharma gets FDA Approval for New Antibody against Severe Asthma

‘Cyborg’ Heart Patch to Revolutionize Treatment of Heart Attacks

This Leading Israeli Biopharma is in Good Shape to fight Crohn’s Disease

Also Using PD-L1 Cancer Treatments to Attack Alzheimer’s Disease

Microbiome Myth Debunked: Counting Bacteria in Our Gut = A New Ratio