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Sanofi Offers up to €2.4Bn to Belgian Biotech to Develop Nanobodies

Merck to Pay Ablynx €15M for Getting a Second Nanobody ready for the Clinic

Merck Outsources the Development of its Nanobody for Psoriasis

An Antibody to reduce Hospitalizations of Children starts Phase IIb trials

This company just turned the lights ON for NanoMed Bioplastic

Sperm Cells Enlisted as Nanobot Delivery Guys


Llama Antibody Inhalation gets Positive Results for Respiratory Virus

When Nanoparticles meet Virtual Tumours to build Oncology Platform

‘Cyborg’ Heart Patch to Revolutionize Treatment of Heart Attacks

French Nanomedicine Biotech Gets €21M to Kill Cancer with ‘Beam Rays’

French Nano-Xrays to Kill Prostate Cancer in Phase I/II Trial

64 Million RSV Infections Per Year: Perhaps Alpaca Nanobodies Will Save Infant Lives