
Founder & Managing Director at Labiotech.eu. While I was studying biotechnology in Paris, I got frustrated by the lack of digital media available for the industry and decided to fix it! I launched Labiotech.eu in 2014 and grew it to the largest community for biotech professionals in Europe! Other than biotech news, I’m also a heavy reader of Sci-Fi and Fantasy.

Articles by Joachim Eeckhout

Biotech of the Week: Avexxin, reducing inflammatory diseases from far up in Norway

Today is World Lupus Day! Meet the people who are fighting this Rare disease

Biotech of the Week: Affibody and its Super antibodies from Scandinavia

Interview with Two Key People of the Fight Against Lupus

Biotech of the Week: Covagen, binding proteins to antibodies for Immunotherapy

Biotech of the Week: ThromboGenics & Therapies against Eye Disease


What sort of Biotech Startups are coming out of Italy at the moment?

Biotech of the Week: Activartis Immuno-Oncology in Vienna

Biotech of the Week: MolMed, Immuno-oncology made in ‘Milano’

Biotech of the Week: OSE Pharma, the ‘Significant’ Immunotherapy Player from Paris

Biotech of the Week: Addex Therapeutics, a Swiss Biotech on a Rollercoaster ride

5 Steps to Transform your Laboratory into an Automated Workspace!