
Founder & Managing Director at Labiotech.eu. While I was studying biotechnology in Paris, I got frustrated by the lack of digital media available for the industry and decided to fix it! I launched Labiotech.eu in 2014 and grew it to the largest community for biotech professionals in Europe! Other than biotech news, I’m also a heavy reader of Sci-Fi and Fantasy.

Articles by Joachim Eeckhout

Copenhagen-based Pcovery is looking to fight invasive Fungal Infections

Cost-effective diagnostics for cancer? Only with VolitionRx!


I tried the Amazon for labs, and it makes life way easier!

Effective anti-infectives for medically unmet diseases? Ask Novabiotics

Genticel is vaccinating against Cervical Cancer AFTER Infection

Biotech of the Week: High-quality genetic testing with Asper Biotech in Estonia

Biotech of the Week: Pharnext, developing next level drugs against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease

Biotech of the Week: Immunicum, Immuno-oncology made in Sweden