
Founder & Managing Director at Labiotech.eu. While I was studying biotechnology in Paris, I got frustrated by the lack of digital media available for the industry and decided to fix it! I launched Labiotech.eu in 2014 and grew it to the largest community for biotech professionals in Europe! Other than biotech news, I’m also a heavy reader of Sci-Fi and Fantasy.

Articles by Joachim Eeckhout

Biotech of the Week: Mission Therapeutics and a Cambridge Pathway against Cancer

How this Forensic DNA Tool can help Conserve Endangered Species in the UK

Significant doubts about Welsh Government handling of Biotech VC fund

Biotech of the week: Solvo, an Efficient Drug Transportation Solution in Hungary

Chinese Chemical Giant moves closer to buy Swiss Syngenta for €39.5Bn

Biotech of the week: Kallistem, producing Functional In vitro Spermatozoids in France


High Quality Grade plasmids for a better gene therapy

Italy Bets on Agriculture and Invests €21M in Sustainable-Biotech

3 Facts Showing that the Future of Biotech Media is Online

Growing Mini-Brains in Labs to Better Understand Neurological Disease

Biotech and €6M to Save Orangutans? How a Yeast Alternative to Palm Oil could Stop Deforestation